




联 系 人: 朱先生

手 机: 13914990770

传 真:0512-57482091

地 址:昆山市淀山湖镇曙光路19-28号

网 址:http://minlohg.cn


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发布日期: 2022-09-23 作者: 超级管理员 点击:230 数字:{content:zishu operate=/3 decimal=1}





Ecological information


  • Toxicity to fish: LC50 - Pimephales promelas - 14.2 g/L - 96 h.

  • Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates: LC50 - Ceriodaphnia dubia - 5 012 mg/L - 48 h.

  • Toxicity to algae: EC10 - Chlorella vulgaris - 86 mg/L - 4 d.

  • Toxicity to microorganisms: IC50 - activated sludge from domestic and industrial sewage treatment plants - > 1 000 mg/L - 3 h.

12.2Persistence and degradability

AEROBIC: Ethanol was shown to biodegrade under aerobic conditions in various screening tests using different types of inocula and incubation periods(1-7). 5 day theoretical BOD values range from 37% - 86%(1,4). Biodegradation of 3, 7, and 10 mg/L ethanol with filtered sewage seed in fresh water resulted in a 74% theoretical BOD in 5 days and 84% in 20 days; in salt water 45% of the theoretical BOD was reached in 5 days and 75% was reached in 20 days(4). Formaldehyde and acetic acid are products of biodegradation by a soil inoculum(6). Ethanol present at 100 mg/L, achieved 89% of its theoretical BOD using an activated sludge inoculum at 30 mg/L in the Japanese MITI test(7). Ethanol was rapidly degraded in aerobic microcosms prepared from low organic (0.2% organic carbon) sandy aquifer material obtained from Jurere Beach, Brazil(8). Microcosms were prepared with 20 grams of aquifer material and 50 mL of groundwater (pH 5.2). At a starting concentration of 100 mg/L, ethanol had half-lives of approximately 3 days in samples prepared with 20 mg/L of either benzene, toluene or o-xylene under aerobic conditions(8).

12.3Bioaccumulative potential

An estimated BCF of 3 was calculated for ethanol(SRC), using a log Kow of -0.31(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this BCF suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low(SRC).

12.4Mobility in soil

A log Koc of 0.44 has been reported for ethanol(2), corresponding to a Koc of 2.75(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that ethanol is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Ethanol leaching was measured using a shallow sand and gravel test aquifer in Merrick Co, central Platte Valley, Nebraska which was subjected to a pulse containing 220 mg/L ethanol and 12 mg/L bromide and monitored for 2.5 months. Transport was not retarded. An average first-order decay constant was estimated of be 0.32/day, corresponding to a half-life of 2.2 days(3). A sorption coefficient on a snow surface was reported as log K = -3.04 (cu m snow surface/sq m air) at -6.8 deg C(4).

12.5Other adverse effects

no data available

